Basically, association agreements of partnerships are to be interpreted in accordance with the will of the parties joining together to form the partnership. This is in complete contrast to the interpretation of partnership agreements for corporations, which are predominantly to be interpreted objectively, i.e. purely according to the wording of the contract. However, this also applies to partnerships – according to the previous one View – over time the subjective interpretation of the social contracts lost. This is the case when the founding partners, who are bound by the subjective will when the company was founded, leave the company. From the point at which the first founding partner was replaced by a new partner, the objective interpretation of the partnership agreement and no longer the subjective interpretation of the contract also applied to partnerships. The OGH is of this interpretation /strong> now departed.In a more recent decision (6 Ob 211/22f), the Supreme Court laid down additional interpretation rules for the interpretation of partnership agreements in partnerships and thus departed from the previous view that partnership agreements of partnerships must also be interpreted objectively after the departure of a founding partner.